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Lisa F.

Adair Dance Academy. Just, WOW. Are you searching for the “right studio?” Adair Dance Academy remains one of the greatest blessings in my daughter’s life. Julian and the staff are intentionally focused on the wholistic development of the dancer. Technique is important, and the artistic creativity is inspiring. 


Adair Dance even offers choreography workshops to teach the pedagogy of dance to aspiring students! Dance technique, values, and life-lessons-learned through a decade with Adair Dance Academy have been the catalyst for my daughter’s overall development as a dancer and lovely human. I could not ask for more and am so grateful for the genuine interest taken in my daughter and her growth. Choosing this studio was an outstanding decision.

Miranda B.

“My husband and I LOVE Adair Dance Academy for so many reasons! Julian Adair, herself taught our daughter’s first class when she was 3. We have always been so impressed by her genuine desire to positively impact her students through teaching classical ballet and tap in an upbeat emvironment that is fun for young kids and high schoolers. Julian and her capable staff teach and encourage the older students to be leaders for the younger dancers. The opportunities for development of the whole person, being a part of a wonderful community, participation in tap, modern, and choreography classes, and participation in the Adair Nutcracker are all part of what keep us coming back.”


Adair Dance Academy is dedicated to preserving and creating a culture of dance beyond teaching kids “dance moves” and seeks to provide an in-depth and well-rounded foundation in the performing art of dance. Students in the care of the talented and professional faculty at Adair Dance not only receive instruction in ballet, tap and other dance genres but they also develop a dancer’s vocabulary, choreography skills and historical understanding of the dance medium. I count the decision to enroll my daughter in the Adair Dance Academy as one of the best choices I have made as a parent.”

Anne H.

Every year at this time I realize how thankful I am that there are no sequins, no Brittany Spears music and no divas in the recital. I am so grateful that Allison is not competing against her classmates for a spot on a competitive dance team but instead is forming friendships with very nice girls. I am pleased that I can meet and chat with moms who are not busy worrying who’s daughter will make the ‘A’ team. I want to thank you for refusing to sell out on our kids and for providing a studio that keeps priorities in order and raises REAL self esteem, the kind that comes from working hard and being part of a group rather than the empty vain kind that comes from putting our children on a false center stage. As corny as that may sound, it needs to be said so . . . thank you!”

Jared and
Julia B.

“Our daughter has been with Adair Dance for 12 years. Those who know her are amazed every year at recital. Once a very shy, timid child, she has grown into a more confident, beautiful young woman, and I strongly believe that Julian and the staff at Adair Dance have played a major role. Their ability to nurture and make their students believe in themselves are lessons that are learned not only in dance, but life itself. Not only does Adair Dance teach dance at an outstanding level, they have amazing, safe studios that can only help enhance their students learning even more. Julian and her staff are not only there to teach dance to their students. They honestly care about each child in and out of the studio, and it has been shown to my family more than once. I honestly feel that Adair Dance Academy is the best studio in Omaha.”

Kelly C.

“Not only did we enjoy the recital, we just love the whole studio experience. I can’t tell you how happy we are. It was such a nice evening… classy, but not stuffy. The greatest thing was watching Kathryn absolutely enjoy herself on the stage. That gives so much joy to me… it brings me to tears to even type you this note right now. As another satisfied mom said to me, you all are teaching our girls to fall in love with the inner beauty of dance and, in the process, find their own inner beauty. Thank you!”


“Originally we only looked at cost and convenience, but during the past 4 years of ballet with Adair Dance Academy we have come to appreciate so much more. Most of our daughter’s classmates return each year and enjoy performing together. The class size is excellent; not too small, not too big, and Mrs. Adair’s student – teacher ratio helps all the dancers really learn the beautiful choreography. Whenever I compare recitals, cost and convenience with other parents from different studios, I know that Adair is the best choice for us.”

Jennifer B.

“My children have been enrolled in Adair Dance Academy for five years and they will continue their dance education in that studio. Our family has been pleased with and blessed by our experiences there. Classes, rehearsals and performances are age-appropriate, wholesome and fun. Mrs. Adair and her staff teach artistry, creativity and musicality through dance but they don’t stop there. In their time with our children they teach and reinforce the invaluable lessons of self-respect and respect for others. The leadership is positive and strong and allows and encourages the children’s development into equally positive, strong, creative and talented young adults. I frequently recommend Adair Dance Academy to families that are searching for high quality dance instruction for their children.”

Cathy M.

“I took dance classes at Adair Dance Academy for several years during the first years that it was open, and I’ve recently had the opportunity to reconnect with Julian and meet some of her current instructors. I have to say that the studio and those involved in the instruction of the academy’s students are just as focused on teaching and instilling a love for the art of dance today as they were 15 years ago. If I am blessed with a child someday who develops an interest in dance, Adair Dance Academy will be my first and only choice!”

Dot K.

“It is a joy for me to watch my daughter dance. But, more than that, I have loved watching her grow in poise and self confidence. I could see that the more she developed as a dancer, the more she blossomed in every aspect of her life. The philosophy of Adair Dance so clearly drives its program. I see it as the frame work within which some fantastic teachers get some amazing results. I really do feel grateful for every step she has had with you. Just as every life experience shapes us, I know that Annie will reap the benefits of this very rich experience of dance for – well, forever!”

Jennifer R.

“This is our seventh year at your studio and when I started looking for a class for Riley 8 years ago, your studio was the only one I found that used age-appropriate costumes and had a reasonable cost. What you might not know is that your studio also has given us an extended family through dance. In all the years and through all the classes, there is a bond between the parents because of what is instilled in the kids through dance. And, every year someone else joins the ‘family’ it is so great to see they are just as excited as we are even after all these years. I have never had a teacher, dancer, business owner, or friend listen like you do or care for all the families around her so much. I just wanted you to know that you touch lives in so many ways. Thank you for doing what you do!”

Luci D.

“My daughter has gained more than a fantastic dance education at Adair Dance Academy. She has grown in confidence, poise and self esteem. Julian and her staff are all excellent role models for the girls, teaching self respect, and facilitating friendships and bonds among the girls and their families. We feel part of the family of Adair Dance. As part of the family, Julian and her staff are instrumental in helping me raise my daughter. Thank you!”

Ellen P.

“We stumbled into Adair Dance with no prior knowledge of dance – I never took dance as a child so had no clue if what was happening at Adair was on the right track or not – my then 3 year old would not have been able to know either – 6 years later I am more up to speed on things and every year at the recital I am full of wonder at what plays out before me on the stage – Julian, you keep the stage, lighting and costumes so very elegant and simple – the audience is not distracted by neon colored costumes full of ornate head pieces, swishing tails and elbow length gloves – we get to see our children dance with poise and sophistication, always as young ladies – NEVER a provocative strut, wiggle or shake – I have since been to other recitals that I compare to burlesque shows and am always so grateful for having “stumbled” into Adair – had we happened into a different studio I am sick to think that with no prior knowledge, maybe we would have thought what was going on there was “how dance is taught”. I will never figure out how you are able to make each performance so original and interpretive – I watch my 6 year and 9 year old effortlessly (or what appears to be effortlessly) sweep their arms through the air with just the right touch and then go to someone else’s recital and watch the same age group skip in big circles around the stage to fill in the gaps during a song – oh, I could go on…..Julian, thank you for the grace & decency you are teaching my girls to have regarding their bodies in this fast track world – you are a class act.”

Contact Us





Mailing Address Only:
1006 N. 127th Cir.
Omaha, NE 68154

Main Studio Location

3 Metro Locations


Studio Locations:

Camelot Community Center

9270 Cady Ave, Omaha, NE 68134

Montessori Children’s Room
7302 Burt St, Omaha, NE 68114

(74th and Burt. West building)

St. Michael’s Lutheran Church
13232 Blondo St, Omaha, NE 68164

©Adair Dance Academy, Inc.

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